perte chip
Special Commissioner for Semiconductors

This unit, integrated in the Ministry ofEconomic Affairs and Digital Transformation, is responsible for promoting and coordinating all the actions of the microelectronics and semiconductors strategic project to strengthen the national ecosystem and place Spain among the benchmark countries in this industry.

The Special Commissioner has a technical office for the development of its functions, among which is the promotion of close and high-level dialogue with the sector. SEMyS plays this role.

Special Commissioner’s funtions for effective Governance

Given the cross-cutting nature of thePERTE, these functions will be developed in collaboration with other competent bodies:

1. Promoting and coordinating the development of different actions involved in the PERTE, as well as to plan the measures and coordinate their execution with the corresponding ministerial bodies.

2. Establishing structured, permanent dialogue with the domestic and foreign industry to specify the PERTE›s actions,  focusing especially on growing the fabrication and design capacity.

3. Assessing the technical and financial feasibility of proposals for constructing fabrication plants and fabless in Spain

4. Preparing and coordinating the state aid notification processes that may be developed in the framework of the European Chips Act. Also to elaborate and coordinate fast-track processes related to the planning, construction and operation of foundries that may arise under the Act.

5. Assisting in setting upEuropean consortiums as deemed necessary for the purpose of applying for projects in the Pillar I Chips for Europe initiative.

Other actions necessary to achieve the objectives of PERTE.


Jaime Martorell, Special Commissioner for the PERTE Chip

The Council of Ministers appointed experienced engineer Jaime Martorell, Special Commissioner for thePERTE Chip, in May 2022.

Founder of the semiconductor company Logic Devices in 1983 and one of the pioneers in Silicon Valley, Martorell has spent his professional career between the United States andSpain, where he collaborated in the late 1980s in the start-up of AT&T's microprocessor factory in Madrid.

Over the course of his career, he has participated in the launch and management of national and international technology companies. He was president of Motorola Spain and general manager ofONO, among other positions.


Transversal public-private governance

The governance of PERTE Chip is completed by an inter-ministry working group, chaired by the Minister ofEconomic Affairs and Digital Transformation, with the aim of performing joint operational monitoring of the planned execution instruments.

And with a Group of experts, which will provide information and strategic guidance to help maximize the impact of PERTE in the four axes. This advisory body is made up of 11 people who are experts in the academic, scientific or business world in the field of semiconductors.

Grupos de trabajo

Gobierno transversal público-privado

La gobernanza del PERTE Chip se completa con un grupo de trabajo interministerial, presidido por la vicepresidenta primera del Gobierno y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, que hará un seguimiento de los instrumentos de ejecución previstos.

Y con un ‘Comité de Sabios’, que proporcionará información y orientación estratégica para contribuir a maximizar el impacto del PERTE en los cuatro ejes. Este órgano asesor estará formado por personas expertas en el mundo académico, científico o empresarial en el ámbito de lo semiconductores.

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