Trust in SEMyS

As part of the State-owned SEPIDES Group, SEMyS carry out its activity under the principles of publicity of information and accountability, that confer credibility and confidence in the sector. This page includes data related to economic and financial management, corporate, organizational and regulatory information.

SEMyS hopes that this portal will be useful for all citizens, assuming the commitment to continue improving and gradually completing it in accordance with the provisions of Law 19/2013, of December 9, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance.

The purpose of the law is to expand and strengthen the transparency of public activity, guarantee the right of access to information related to that activity and establish the obligations of good governance that public officials must fulfil.

Regulatory information

SEMySis a state-owned company incorporated on July 28, 2022, with prior authorization from the Council of Ministers, and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, in volume 43810, book 0, sheet 201, section 8, page M-773148, inscription 1 and have its registered office in Madrid, Calle Velázquez, 134 bis, 28006.

SEMyS is governed by Title VII of the Law on the Patrimony of Public Administrations and by private legal system (mainly, by Spanish Capital Companies Act) except in matters implying budgetary, accounting, financial control and contracting where regulations as a State-owned company are applicable.

Corporate information

Taking into account that SEMyS was incorporated in July 2022, the information for the 2022 financial year of the SEPIDES Group would be published once the corresponding approvals are issued:

Información corporativa

Teniendo en cuenta que SEMyS se constituyó en julio 2022, se incluiría la información del ejercicio 2022 del Grupo Sepides cuando haya sido objeto de las correspondientes aprobaciones:

Informes de Gobierno Corporativo del Grupo SEPIDES
Memorias de Sostenibilidad del Grupo SEPIDES

Economic information

Information related to management acts with economic or budgetary implications:

Budget 2023 (to be published)
Budget 2022

Contracts, Agreements and public entrustments

You can find all the information related to the contracts signed by companies of SEPIDES Group in the Public Sector Contracting Platform (to be published).

Convenios y encomiendas de gestión

Annual accounts

The financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year. Within three months following the end of the financial year, the Sole Director draws up the annual accounts, the management report and the proposal of results, which are submitted to the approval of the General Shareholders' Meeting within six months after the end of the financial year.

The annual accounts for the financial year 2022 will be published in accordance with the applicable regulations (to be published).

Annual remuneration received by the SEMYS Sole Director as the CEO of the company:

Remuneration 2022


SEMYS is not allowed to grant grants of any kind.

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